British real photo postcards with birthday wishes, 1900's-1930's. Feel free to copy for your own artwork.
Selection of Edwardian postcards, both illustrated & real photo. French & English. Top card is French & shows the matchmakers choice for a date. Center card is English, "he was a jolly good fellow'" with a painting of a big BUT & man being chased by an ass. Bottom card is a little girl dressed as an old woman.
Two real photo postcards from France, representing Faith & Charity, one English illustrated card, all from the early 1900's.
Black & white postcards of British actresses at the turn of the century. Phyllis Dare, Marie Studholme, and Ada Reeve.
Postcards with pairs of children dressed up. The top card is French, the bottom is British. Yours to use & peruse.
I have always longed to fly with the birds above the clouds in a hot air balloon (and then bungee jump off the side.) Recently I've purchased a few postcards to use as backdrops for my new for Makers Faire '09, steampunk hot air balloon necklaces. Printed in Germany, mailed from Stamford, England to New England in 1911. This one reminds me of the fantastical steampunk collage creations by A California Honeymoon. Postcard by Edward H. Mitchell, San Francisco, CA, 1919. French New Years postcard from the early 1900's, embellished with glitter & sequins. Feel free to use & peruse the images.
January 2013